The Arts

The District 75 Office of Arts Education believes, arts-based instruction promotes student achievement in the areas of communication, socialization, self-expression, independence, and arts proficiency; creating increased opportunities for students to reach their Individualized Education Programs. We believe Students across District 75 have incredible artistic talent, and a powerful voice. The ARTS, through artistic expression, gives students another platform to express themselves, and build life skills.

The District 75 Office Of Arts Education provides meaningful, research-based, resources and professional development, to teachers and organizations, in order to target appropriate adaptations for individual students, as well as increasing opportunities for communication and independence; develops relationships with community partners and cultural institutions to support community integration and career readiness; provides opportunities for schools and families to increase student exposure to and engagement with the arts.

Instructional Support and Teacher Development

  • Provides targeted professional development, focused on evidence-based practices, in the areas of Visual Art, Music, Theater, Dance and Moving Image.
  • Helps teachers create learning environments that foster academic growth, social emotional awareness, and independence, in the areas of Visual Art, Music, Theater, Dance and Moving Image.
  • Develops instructional programs to provide increased opportunity to engage with the arts in the NYC community.

Community Integration

  • Partners with cultural institutions, connecting classrooms to the community; focusing on peer-to-peer socialization, communication, independence, and awareness of self in the classroom and museums.

Career Readiness Partnership with Office of Transition Services

  • Partners with Arts-based organizations to develop courses and internship programs to gain work readiness skills while exploring arts careers to inform career trajectories. Helps schools develop Work-based Learning Programs that are arts focused.

Family Engagement Partnership with Office of Parent Empowerment

  • Partners with EPIC Players to host District 75 Family Night at the Theater Partners with cultural institutions and arts-focused community organizations to provide special programs and events.


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