Middle Schools
Moving to Middle School
Students in District Schools
Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) in district schools participate in the same middle school admissions process as their non-disabled peers.
If you child may need an accessible school, visit the page on Enrollment for Students with Accessibility Needs.
Happening Next
Middle school offers are here, and waitlists are open through September 16!
- You can now view your child’s middle school offer letter in MySchools(Open external link).
- Your child's offer letter includes...
- Your middle school offer. This offer is accepted automatically––there’s nothing else you need to do!
- Information about waitlists, including anywhere your child is waitlisted.
There are two ways a child can be on programs' waitlists:
- Automatically, before waitlists open. If your child's offer is not to their first-choice program, they are automatically on the waitlist for any program listed higher on their application than the program where they received an offer—learn more on our Waitlists page.
- Added by parent/guardian, while waitlists are open––optional. You can also add your child to additional waitlists. If a school can make you a waitlist offer, they will contact you directly and you would have one week to accept or decline it.
Get help or learn more
- Don't have a MySchools account and want to view your offer now? Talk to your current school or a Family Welcome Center.
- Sign up for our middle school admissions email list for updates and reminders, including information on when waitlists will close this year.
- Watch our videos in the playlist above.
New to NYC public schools and need a middle school for your child now? Learn what to do on our New Students page.